Courtesy to DannyHu

Courtesy to DannyHu

Courtesy to Max While I was unnoticed

Courtesy to Max While I was unnoticed

Courtesy to Mr.Ling

Courtesy to Mr.Ling

Courtesy to <a href="" target="_blank">@Blackstation</a>

Courtesy to @Blackstation

I went up to the roof watching the sunrises

I went up to the roof watching the sunrises

Courtesy to Mr.Sun for catching the moment

Courtesy to Mr.Sun for catching the moment

GV collection之一

GV collection之一

See me fly I'm proud to fly up high...<br />
Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky...

See me fly I'm proud to fly up high...
Believe me I can fly I'm singing in the sky...

Courtesy to <a href="" target="_blank">@Sun</a>

Courtesy to @Sun

出轨... Off the rail...

出轨... Off the rail...

都是为了这个挚爱的城市 It is all about the beloved city   Thanks to <a href="" target="_blank">@blackstation</a>

都是为了这个挚爱的城市 It is all about the beloved city Thanks to @blackstation

IMG_8670-3<br />


手指尖上的明天广场<br />


城市美容师<br />
别以为城市美容师就一定是扫大街的,抑或穿了保险带戴了安全帽就是擦窗户的了。 活跃在上海这个城市里的一批热爱这座美丽城市的摄影爱好者也是不具登高酷暑,趁着台风来临,起早摸黑, 累并快乐着。。。  鸣谢<a href="" target="_blank">@blackstation</a><br />
<br />

别以为城市美容师就一定是扫大街的,抑或穿了保险带戴了安全帽就是擦窗户的了。 活跃在上海这个城市里的一批热爱这座美丽城市的摄影爱好者也是不具登高酷暑,趁着台风来临,起早摸黑, 累并快乐着。。。 鸣谢@blackstation
